Whenever you want the referral drawings – the poet Al-Buhtari

Whenever the referral fee wills,
agitated by the longing of a fervent chest
a scammer
shed tears, until it drains
We have asked, to be happy
Who asks the lover of his stingy?
We were separated from a zura in a dream
longing, prolonged need
Strengthen what you leave behind suspicions and the like.
The love of Hebron is from us, his friend
If you try the children of time, you will find them
Brothers in it like the blazing blade
And the lad is a laboring laborer,
satisfies her, or a bored life
Afraid, I hope to pass the nights,
The nights are dreadful, hopeful
The people of manners rested in it a little,
The fortunes of the departments are few
You must be satisfied with what you are pleased with.
You have these rejected demands
you will not meet the mazwit on your own
t, And you will not ascend to the sky by his tricks
And if you consider my appearance,
It was one of the great sermons
ask for money in the country, and my money
In Hurriya Ibn Toulun Dolah
He is unable to hear, and the unfairness from him
a bad rumor
Create, keep the slanders from it
The rest of the prey eaten
his mother multiplied the stars, you did not see
Put a weak meter from her husband
Do you wait for him to swear and refuse the
Fasl except for despondency and filth
how you hated a stupid thing, she was
The habit of eternity in it is beautiful to me
Nothing but the grace of determination passes
there, Except for the ride that has passed away
I don’t see the knees without a rope,
I wear the robe of many gifts
You separated us from riches, far away,
A blessing from my father Ali
was not without success, Except
face to face, the presence of his loads
If you could see one of them, you would not see him
I missed the people of his time with his virtue
From tongue to eloquence long,
And an oath to chastity is long
Yes, you have helped me, so this
dew pod, And that is his means
Only two guarantees will stay at home
for who, guarantees the imaginary sky
My right is the desire for blessings, the right of the people
to take the quraydah in his way
I wish my hair would bring victory to a dove,
Or did the damaged galah come to him?
If he fails to mention it, then there is no good in
huh, nor a curse that lowers his locks
And you have to guarantee that you will be rewarded
sender of praise, or return his messenger