Alwa’s covenant with Al-Liwa has been formed – the poet Al-Buhtari

a covenant of exaltation, they have formed,
What was the best and most beautiful
forget our nights there, have emptied
from our amusement, in her shadow, what did they say
a bad life, if I owned it, it wouldn’t
in reply, So I would have said it in the future
They blamed the long night, and whenever
They blamed me, my night was longer
follow your love to the lover, it
adulthood, And let the afflicted be forgiven
God does not ask, Even if the effort
beckon, What is the lover’s excuse if he asks?
revive hope, and returned normal air,
Say who I like: yes after no
And his temperament is my cup with his brilliance, that
Fouad his lover froze, got wet
Do not be astonished for a lover to graze me
of his desertion, And for a lover to pray
betna, The ruler of Qumran: face of my assistant,
and the full moon, having fulfilled the whole, and completed
the omens of autumn appeared, and offered
cut the clouds, and almost fell,
So see from Sha’ban that behind him
a month the nectar prevents us
The Tigris had a better view and camp,
And the song is in the vicinity of the Tigris
shade the yard, When did you tread on his soil?
I said: the clouds fell on him, aprons
the waves mobilized for him the virtue of motives
make his wheels slow down
bleaching his kilt, and his light shines
until the eyes are tired of it, And you are not
Like the star-studded planet
dark night, until you shine brightly
The domes were right on its sides.
and facilitator, And they descended from him and he ascended
and imagined him, and you think of them towards him,
To whom do you owe kings, represented
And on the heights there is a watchman who sees me
assigned to drain the wind, entrusted
Wherever it revolves, it seeks its face,
So the fighter went around and then they met
heresies for heresies in tolerance what you see
of his command, only strange, slanderer
The superiority of the people is a mentioned vine,
and be saved, And I live in sleep and I prefer
his gestures bend the ego, maybe
his determination went through, and she was a slanderer
The Prophet inherited a pleasing character.
and intentionally way, utter a word
If he spends in problems, they are synonymous
Wisdom that shows you how to descend
O son of the rightly guided, and their
laid down the rules of our religion, I groaned
a breach of his morals, so they rose up,
And his face lit up, and he rejoiced.
If it rises in the occasions, and cherished
For a father following the last first
Count the rising stars eligible
to order, slandered or slandered
my mother took him, and likewise through him
You have been honored, and you have given to those who desire what they hope for
If you will come grace, you received
from him, and facilitated a request, welcome
It remains only to be concerned, is over
what you have done, be shortened, please
you said, do what you want, and from me
Your good habits are to say and do
And if you hasten what you get, it
according to thee to be hasty