I would like to fall in love and fall in love – Al-Buhtari poet

He would love the temptation, and love,
He knows the causes of passion, how it is attached
I see the creation of my love always on the rise,
If the lovers did not last creation
and a forgery came to me knocking, I figured it out
a phantom came, from the end of the night, knock
I swear in it a false conjecture
that it is right, and curiously believe
I’m afraid And I hope that my conjecture is true and that it is true,
For God has doubts when I hope and separate
And it implied that we were about to meet, and rolled
a hug around our necks then tight
So she saw nothing but a reporter on the authority of Sabbah.
with a complaint, Otherwise, you will learn a lesson
and make us good, And weeping and weeping,
mix it up, cheek to cheek sticker
And before and after the complainant,
we almost sigh
If the people understood the convergence and its goodness
to love, for the sake of meeting, scattering
If the sea is combined with the blessings of the
Caliph, in whom the sea almost drowned
Gifted numbers of wishes, and behind them,
instruments of which the lute is almost paper
by the denial, if they mean it,
Eternity is well done, and time is more awkward
God decreed for the one who is proud of God that he
He is the upright, the righteous, conciliator
His love is an obligation from God,
And his disobedience is a reprehensible wrath from God
you stayed, Commander of the Faithful, hopefully,
The king has light as long as you stay and shine
Yesterday I already received your horses,
And you to the heights and glory precede
And you had a lovely time with Nowruz,
The rose genie keeps sprouting in it
You are still in the shade of God,
Your shadow is a meadow of the wilderness, unprofessional
the sham approach, he obeyed me
Anan to the verses of Mutlaq
capture a friend, or worse navigator,
And spread verses as tall as you speak
Indeed, I am created, but the truth will follow what follows
exasperates my person, my longing shines
And from where does hope not discourage my saviour?
upon you, I am longing for you
And you are the one who made me superior
She is the Muzan become near, you are showered
and knowing that my attributes are gone, there is no double
It is close to its end, and no thanks are due
You carried a tenth of the hail, my chariot
The flying stinger hurried over them
And you increased my zadi from Badur, you followed
With your goodness in them is the hammered rug
and affiliated with the righteous and suffix,
how much it pleases the beholder, and ablaze
Whoever takes off your clothes won your clothes, so take ghusl
It has the joy of your kindness, stalk
she has a delicate robe
satin, turn away from him, slick
Are you, O son of the Rightly-Guided, my seal?
with a sapphire shining upon me, you are shining
The redness of roses is jealous of their beauty,
It was narrated by Jadi the freed nectar
If the sun rises, I say two trades
for a long time or almost, the sun, get ahead
If you are ignited by luck, its light will be lost
your forehead when good, as it shines
I wear a hasty robe of pride,
And a remembrance of it will remain for eternity
I have a clear sign of goodness from you,
and witness the justice of me by your kindness,
and like you he gave her, and doubled her likeness,
And there is no wonder the sea is flowing
If I keep my hair in honor of dear men,
His rhymes to describe you are more appropriate
And if the guardianship of the workers is justified from me,
The use of workers is better and more ethical