Your standing in their ruins and asking her – the poet Al-Buhtari

Standing in their gaze and asking her questions,
The sunset of tears shows you how they overwhelm them
I do not know ruins in the aspect of clarity
for the length of your pardon, but violating them
I would like for her to water the clouds, and erase it
Watering the clouds when their uncle gives charity
our shop, and living is the tenderness of its plant,
And the yards of days are green in their shadows
And Layla on the covenant that she had not violated
noah, And she did not turn to her condition
she was afflicted with impediments, without meeting her,
scattered from the desert, whose family
And I was hoping to pray for her when she left,
He had deserted me, And its connection
don’t go near, Unless you mention it again,
and did not reach, Except for her imagination
Indeed, in the cheek of the mount eloquently
to her, If you are longing for her soul
He will bear my burdens a softening donation
to bless him, my passengers gave me their weight
And it is easier than the desires to carry them
not abound, I’m tired of it
So the burdens were from his palm,
flexed softener, So she deserved it with her mules
And if the people did not suffice for my need,
a hand stopped me, Men’s hands are their children
And the face of the guarantee of humankind is suspended
on success, And the needs are seen quickly
With it from the tin of India, a sign that will make it clear
clear plate, liking her beauty
when she was nursed by pride, or outrage,
She was returned to her by asking her polisher
When you ever see her evidence,
Do you like the sun with its crescent moon?
Those sermons filled his channel,
So, there was a moderation in the engagements.
And he was not deprived of victory in the battle,
But it was the war that broke out and they sparred
if he wanted, If the will is left alone
to slander him, hindu day, arrows
the morning of progress, in the wilderness,
Abu Ghalib, And the horses see their horses
As if they are, in support and convergence,
your right hand gave her loyalty to her left
So they were captured, is going, It was not
surrounded by the captors’ plot, its field
nor escaped, Survival is easy,
but swords hated her men
And what I have arranged for the family of the mastermind, they are,
If you are affiliated with Ghar Al-Makarim, its gods
nor was it wronged, since you did not incline
Those who are dew, because you have their money
ransom Abba Isaac, gone on high,
falls short of its goals and attains it
and hoping that you will be able to seek it,
And she traveled among the men through her
And how many honors you have done without it,
and the opportunity of glory was not neglected
And your prophets slowed my gratitude for grace
follow me, seize it and get it
and how, Strange things have gone
miss up, So the softeners worked, her article
Dareb in the horizons not yesterday
from a place where they migrated
Her shortcomings are subject to the recompense of God.
and remain in debt, in honorable, all along
I left the darkness of doubt and took sides
the whiteness of the chandelier, Where is the money?
And I did not accept a lover from Layla, nor from the
I am a country whose occupation I would like to occupy
give us comfort by facilitating the mounts, it
a sauerkraut unleashed
The longing may reach the point of his longing
sacraments of larvae, far away all