Do you see him think me or see me – Poet Al-Buhturi

you see me, or see me,
Forgetting the covenant that took me?
No, and whoever extends my purpose in his desires,
And he cursed me with what he had troubled me
a residence that resides in the heart
in it is obedient, and from disobedience
Tighten the many whistleblowers and blame the
People in love with that human being
O who commanded you to leave the affliction,
You threw away from me what I could not
get rid of me, What is the matter with you, Rashad?
from my misguidance, And you don’t have to guarantee me
and fertile, I was alerted by the sound of God
for, And the morning light shimmers
We hasten to fast, for he has said
That crescent of Sha’ban passed
a daughter of generosity with which the delicate cod approaches
purple, likeness in ka
the apple of his purple cheek
It’s sweeter than my new year
M, And the most delicious of the joys of mothers
For the Mighty God, the Mighty
God is the conqueror of the sultan
A king who repels abuse through chastity
And he rewards charity with kindness
ask him to tell the wondrous, If Ka
The traditional hearing without the eyes
and contemplate it with your eyes full, look
who is satisfied with God, or angry
a blanket that exhausts the stars, a king
The influences of time were magnified in it
The transgressors submitted when the heat cast
bless them with all their love
open stories, every day,
A short affair of the hostile and Dan
Every hail of hail becomes the
Feathers take precedence over the title
Al-Bashir has come to us on the news of the
honestly, ostensibly, and the statement
About the advent of enemies and a day
From my father Al-Saj in them, aronan
I gathered a square in it,
And the palaces of Balikh and Mazagan
And milks of salt and myrrh came
Jane from Dabiq and from the womb
spears bend, the war is fraught
It bends the bamboo
Whenever a side of Thursdays is gone,
Edited by Shajar Al-Harsan
Al-Mawali’s argument hit hard
and affliction when the two adversaries met
a dead man under the sharpshooter bleeds,
and a captive watching the killing, suffer
the cucumber deal was not at night
for Ibn Umar in it, nor saffron
brought them, to a wrestler,
the stumbling blocks of misery, and betrayal
Alas for the slumber, how you underestimated,
extravagance and tyranny
How did they not accept safety when it was
A life like them in safety
O Imam of guidance, you are victorious, still
You suffer in Yemen and faith
Glory be to God’s religion in the East and the West
In some days your kindness
And the strife has subsided ever since
The two easts and the two wests be upon you
You still devour the country with a heart
shining, and vigilante
He who memorizes things and takes away
They are firm or slow
My heart has not taken over other than you, and what
to others with the praise of my tongue
My affair of gratitude and love since we were
You have the right to glorify me
put me down, If I don’t get my place
from you, resumed in my place