I was damn in Al-Abraqin Khawal – the poet Al-Buhtari

I’m Damn in Abraqin Kwal
return my greetings or answer my question
So as long as you ride in it, you will find out.
guarantee of ur health and health
Khalili, what is the angst
What is the cost of the burden, and what is mine?
Boyhood after I left my boyhood
and the white monster turned away an occipital gray
And the desires are made to be nothing but an excuse
And the one who gives desires is only the paths of imagination.
And that maternal uncle is in a state of debt
increases a gram of winged uncle
And if my opinion were correct, it would have been strict
I choose things with which I say
you refused to keep my companion’s desire
Nights show me eternity after nights
And this is the sect from which I am about to depart
so long time has not liked me
And most of the youths of our time are despicable.
Their scales in cypress are not heavy
If they were assigned to glory a bird’s stinger
They made the slanderers grow taller with boredom and fatigue.
And what is wrong with my family and its bedouins?
except through faults that are not given virtue through
the brothers entrusted me until I was weak
Strengthen me, and fear the merciful, and call upon me
And eternity continued to let you down until you expected
My right in the morning of victory betrayed my north
that I have the power of desire and fear
I pray with him in all glory
And the spending of eternity left me with a bracelet
to a hostile situation or to raise money
It is exaggerated by people of height, and it is cheap.
And it is licensed by the one with deficiency, and it is a ghoul
When do I hold fast to the family of Murr?
My fortresses stopped the deception of the enemy and my mountains
We stopped the souls from the hope of Ibn Muslim
on the two dimes of Jedda and Nawal
Arabs tempted to establish their pride
Its pillars have authorized its demise
He has an essence in generosity that his humanity reveals.
This is how the sword’s effect appears in Saqal
close to dew,
Enemy the builders so that you may be my excellency
and did not leave his entitlement without his luck
And if he attains the highest level of advancement and attainment,
Of the people who are hopeful of what is the rain below him,
And among the people who are not agitated for Bilal
The most powerful of them for war mastered their equipment,
And I pierced them in it with the work of a scavenger
horse caddies after horses
awwal tsum stabbing after awwal
they cut off every kinship against the two rivers,
and overwhelmed the two rivers in every field
and we dug up two sides of Herat
to kill at their gates and to fight
And they hastened to kill the Nazi with a blow.
Al-Manaya showed him, when she was a hasty grandfather.
Al-Khustani revealed something that was revealed.
its consequences for ‘Abra and Nikal
conquest of the sultan you did not remain desirous
to evil, nor to deceive
We met you in a day of affliction, a rainforest
We smelled you on the day of goodness, Bariq Khalil
Enough Bashir is enough for you, and you have seen
A place close to a family and a friend
they overlook it, they do not reach it
By saying if they do not by deed
your satisfaction with the superiority of an opinion and an argument
Sincerity of advice over others is precious.
He sees the best of his fortune, which is returning.
You have adornment and beauty
If a punishment precedes you,
for you followed her with Nawal
And you honored him until the star raised his stature.
The most widely borrowed prestige and money
Aba Taha, your hands were still
suffer greatly in your wars
So the sultan chose you only as a
to a man who sings a man’s song
and your guardians, knowing that you are below them
Guardian of these honours, and guardian
The next morning, you went to Al-A’la, and so on.
Seriously on that high blush
It has mobilized around Maragheh for a while.
to kill at its gates and to fight
and you left no liquor in Ardabil
For students, sludge in blood, Nihal
I rejoice that you will not spoil wealth
And that is nothing but your money