I collected matters of religion after removing – the poet Al-Buhtari

The matters of the debt were collected after the removal,
by the one who is standing, the successor, the trustee
Good luck, facilitator,
and lovable, in the righteous, Expectancy
king, If he fulfilled his will,
He was not deterred by the objection of righteousness
your steeds picked up, and the knights above them,
with shrub and shriveled scutes
agaric you are trying to fall
with rum, On a tempestuous day
And I suppose you don’t turn back her faces,
Until you spit all over the Gulf
May the holidays make you happy
in your glory, and in the longest
You have been rewarded with the most hoped-for rank,
in the garden of paradise, unaccelerated
So, righteousness is combined in your supplication, calling.
for the Muslims, the receptive ascetic
We have known the Sunnah of the Prophet and his guidance,
and you judged us by the revealed book
verily you inherited from the Prophet, but
The guidance was inherited by a successor from a messenger
your right to the caliphate, that it
an oath to the best of Hashem, the best
and sheltered in the shadow of your glory, she got mad
in a good way, and feel good
flood its sides with a rising earnestness,
And dress her with good luck
If I envy or compete with people
I envied, or competed with the people of Mosul
The spring covered their homes, and you covered them,
And both of you are rejoicing
And from it every dark ray lit up,
chicken, and fertilize every deserted valley
So when you camp in the Levant, vexie
my country is a plant from your long way
A journey in which the eyes wandered, and they saw,
and relieve the distress of every closed heart
Every day you go home,
renew its features, forsaken home
And if you want, make a day of residence
delight stands by him, and the day you departed