The divergence of Nasr Amal – the poet Al-Buhtari

Victory over Amel ran away,
watching victorious, and its acceptance
Perhaps a load betrayed me
my boy aloud, or kill him
And he was not afraid of murderers
forbidden, save his money
Nor by attacking the obscene
T, He passes over the sword his question
Yes, this time has changed
n what a person has exchanged for him
Rabi’a rejected a poet,
Names Rabi’a his uncle
Do not bless poetry from craftsmanship,
And it was said, and who said it
And I saw a capital city
of speech, dread his bite
nor the marzipan I praised him,
I used to praise him for his actions
And as soon as they break an vineyard,
Indeed, success has met its breach
It is luck that diminishes its value
for those who weighed fortune, or kale
And the boy follows the steps
B, convey her condition his condition
And that is what you are getting tired of
Nassib who prepares for him
I see good and evil from metal,
and more striving, and reduce it
they answered my servant, if he doesn’t win
successfully, and did not give his hopes
to the masters of Banu Mukhlid,
Permitting them is considered a god