Do not despise a righteous Abu Ubaidah – Poet al-Buhturi

Do not recompense Abu Ubaidah as righteous
About the length of our standing in Qinsrina
we slew, And the passport was not ours
you are tired of erecting secrets, to gbbina
I sighed at the distant journeys of our passengers,
So they were filled with the pain of death, and we were
your dogs laughed at the bark, as if
They seek revenge that has advanced in us
barking behind us,
until we subtracted we increased, our hypotheses
We built Pashaya for you one night
wretched in their misery, and blina
The Zaqqum fed us when we gave birth
In her inn, and she gave us ghuslina
Were it not for you that we would pass on kefir,
and Yathribia, or on trahina
I don’t know you’re stalking a gang
after us Shamin, or carrots
You might have wanted us to visit you for a while
charge us, So you went to Jenna
Were it not for my share of your brother,
The leeches I ate in the morning were weary
that you and us may have a flock,
We feed your children, full moon, and we built