Learn how to get rid of regret and self-blame

The person afflicted with the addiction of remorse and self-reproach thinks that he does not deserve to be compared with others and thinks that his mistakes are unique, of which no one has ever heard and cannot be forgiven. Although knowing that you are not really alone may relieve you, When you realize that making mistakes is in the nature of human beings with which they are inclined, And that the presence of bumps and scars in the past does not turn you into a bad person at all. Perhaps you have a certain amount of knowledge, education and commitment, but you fell once. This does not mean that you are a person unfit for survival. Rather, it is one of the most characteristics that distinguishes you as a human being, who learns and swears. Although, at one point in time, I made some mistakes.


To stop all this suffering and restore this peace, you should definitely apply one of these ideas:

  • Don’t dwell on the past under the pretext of learning from mistakes. Playing with an old wound may make the matter worse. Learning from past mistakes is a good thing. But reprimanding yourself may risk self-forgiveness, This may prevent you from realizing the current realities, Your life may become stagnant if you become obsessed with the things you did or did not do, So focus instead on the present and what you will do in the future to create a better life for yourself.
  • Remember that the past does not know you! And that the future is innocent of what happened in the past, and life is past and continuous in all cases. Forgive yourself and move on. Think of your forgiveness of others too, not because any of them deserve it. But if you only consider the reassuring aspect of your ability to forgive and your need to direct forgiveness in the right direction, You will get rid of heartburn, which is quite similar to heartburn, but it is in a place out of reach of doctors.
  • The mistakes of the past are what shaped your character now, Therefore, do not consider them as errors and consider them as guidelines. It made you who you are now a soft person.
  • The person you are now is the result of good and bad things that have happened in your life. And the good and bad things I’ve done, The way you respond to negative events is just as important as how you respond to positive events.
  • Helping others is another great way to forgive yourself. Dedicate yourself to helping everyone and feel the greatness in being one of the reasons and tools that God used to achieve a certain thing in someone’s life. This will earn you the sympathy of others and your sympathy will outweigh your guilt.
  • Remember that when you over-steer to do exactly right, when you do everything you can to the best of your ability, society can throw you out of the way, Because you will fall into the struggles of idealism, anticipation and tension, which hinder your progress and annoy others.
  • Some problems are solved by not solving them in the first place, i.e. leaving them without any comment. Among these problems is what happened in the past and can no longer be changed.
  • Meditate on your new acquisitions that you would not have obtained had it not been for those obstacles, such as patience, gentleness, endurance, hope, contentment, and contentment. These are all qualities that you would not have had if you had lived in stability and good conditions all the time.
  • Free yourself from these restrictions, as you are not required to repay grievances, Putting judgments on yourself and others. And to begin the stage of recovery until you reach a day when you remember the past without any feeling of anger.
  • Tell yourself that battles and difficult situations are for strong people like you, and there is no battle without losses. Ships in harbors are safe, but they are not built to stay there.