Fouad in the remembrance of the hypocrites is a client – the poet Al-Buhtari

Fouad, in the remembrance of the hypocrites, entrusted,
And a home alive in it, for longing, a house
Laila’s left, And in the chest a need,
made by a grandfather, as it goes away
Peace be upon the living who endured,
And two calves from the depths of the clouds are jingling
How many costs in their wake will not be extinguished,
How many a family after them does not reach
And we stood on the house of the miser, Vanbart
Signs of which the eye was stingy
On the study of the verses Aaf, backtracked
what you wake up to, and inclusive
The house drawing did not know how to answer us,
Nor are we from excessive weather, how do we ask?
I find you forget the vows, introverted
have eternity, or amuse the lover, in amazement
I see Layla’s love does not perish, it expires,
And do not twist its causes, is decomposed
meant by melodic pouring, the excused
on him, And love, the forgiving meaning,
You will take the hands of the eagle from him, if step aside
with their people, the misdeeds of the night, allyl
to a king’s stronghold, had it not been for his intent
and forbade him, What was the king’s reasoning?
and the honor of the world, which is not without them
Intend, Nor from her shadow
to the hard-hearted, robbery and fed,
And the one who is well-known gives, and he rejoices
A boy whose stone we do not call, when it begins,
And he has no property when he is asked
If we hoped for him, he did not see his fortune.
zakka, or sees its feasibility where it is hoped
He has a foot in glory that you know he is
by her bred repeatedly, Preferably
If the sinners turn away, and stop them
old one who slacks off
And who would blame the sea if it became full?
overflowing, And aim for the zombie if it starts to rain
I have never seen such glory as Prince Muhammad.
If tomorrow he rains, or cheers
the life of the bereaved souls, and safe
the fearful turn to him, and habitat
Baghdad has been blinded to a cloud,
the country rises from its call, you are heaving
The caliphate has been forgotten, step aside
a curse on her family, from eternity, problematic
let them, and the horizon is dustier with them,
their faces, from Saib Al Muzn, locked
The deed that was going brought you,
And good for you is the frost that was befalling
And I was nothing but the mercy of God her leg
To them and their world came and was accepted
And their day will be the happiness that brought them together
to you, It is the most sacred day
soften, and hardened and brilliance,
You dictate, you listen to me, you judge, Edited
And you are still clueless about every plan
of glory, What do you do and do not
benevolent to me, and touch me
on need, that grandpa, prolongation
you defended me, When the conquest is not desired
To repel the one I fear, nor the one who trusts
For my life, Ibn Mukhallad fulfilled my need
and pardon me what I was asking
Obedience to you in my arms with contentment and acceptance,
Why would you be pleased with me and what would you not accept?
He is the one who comes as you seek
And he who gives will give a follower and give
He hastens what he desires until he comes to him
envision go ahead or say and do
Do not deny His grace and loyalty,
Who is in these two but the heavens?