Those homes and the studies of their longevity – the poet Al-Buhtari

that country, And the studies of its longevity
betrothed betrothed delicately, and her glory
left to the wind, between the south
And its north, its back and its acceptance
It is foolishness to reprimand by weeping,
And the love ended with him unknown
The tears are the impurity, interrupt
Some of the Sbabba rest with their carelessness
And things have gone wrong, and my friend
bundles that wrap their sheaths with ease
I spread the robes of darkness, and folded them,
And the sea is between its corpses and its slanderers
the lightnings of a shark cloud,
eternity sank among its torrents
and a boy, extends a hand to attain the highest,
It is as if Egypt was supplying him with its Nile.
Do not approach indecency to call him, Nor
It comes from unbeautiful manners
And if things become difficult to suspect,
her sport preceded her humiliation
know the sources, before they came in,
and the sites of fadings, before their solutions
Abul-Hassan Al-Mahasin perished, all of which
in goodness
the benefactors, Uncle Muhammad,
she found your employer standing in her way
And if the Quraish favored you, you preferred them.
by my father, and uncle of her messenger
And the stars shone from his sons,
Had it not been for you, the dew would have evaporated
Abd al-Malik, Saleh, and him,
And his father is the best of her youth and her elderly
The verses that they revealed raised them up,
and gave them credit for interpreting it
They took prophecy and succession, Female
With many and few blessings,
If the days go by in their pursuits
to have it, to cut her length
And it is the exploits like which he does not build.
builder, And it does not rise to converting it
poets perplexed in their composition,
and the greats fail to evoke it
And because you are victorious, dew day,
vineyard, and grant it abundance and abundance
Its horse is the son of its horse, and its noble is Ibn Shri.
there, And Nabila is the son of Nabila
And if you sprout, you will take the best of its branches,
And if you return, you will take the best of its origins.