Amalti Salma in Kazma Aslama – the poet Al-Buhtari

And you learned that the air did not attack you
do you narrate, of loved ones, at rest,
or happy, on the forehead, I fell in love
I weep in tears, Even if I
Where is the deer that borrowed from the camel?
guaranty, And from the light of Al-Aqahi Mbsma?
our high places thirst for him, and watering
In that forbidden stupor and pain
lamented in unresolved,
If he does not find an offense against me, I shall be incriminated
a thousand bumps, If his imagination passes
By pouring in the year of the year, what’s up
I left after them noticing an intent
slanderously, And I sing an ordained scholar
I shed tears in it
in blood and read in it a foreign line
Lord refuse to answer, it wasn’t
Informer to answer so that he may understand
God is the Guardian of my son, whenever
The honorable mentions what I forgive, and honor
Brothers in the lineage of brotherhood for a reason,
Early morning, and they went, in grace, twin
it rains relief, who we intend, the
crosses abundantly, and marmalade
geethan, Iraq became one
home, and west and another, sigh
And if that’s a grandmother, Oh that’s us
mother, for a student to realize what
It might have been time for the sheath to end
in an accident, It is impossible to say
I found for Ahmad bin Muhammad
morally, If men prostitute, go ahead
unsteady in determination in pursuit of glory,
so be, on the crib, value
the one who is pleased with his face and his opinion,
If confusion occurred and darker speeches
lay down his arms, and caught his moment
in Damascus, he reckons the nightfalls are softer
one who gathers his resolve
stinging, until he sees ostentatious
things fall on both sides of it, as if
slandered or slandered
entrusted with collecting the output, become his core
scattered in its wake, subdivided
The defender worked out his plot,
And the mighty humiliated the great country
Swallowed for God’s sake in their necks,
when they had a final judgment
He did not lose sight of anything that would oppress him, and why?
dad who bordered the book, in the dark
Inform Abu Ishaq, you will inform an unwilling person
in the accolades blamed and blamed
Refuse to divorce you with which I am expelled
My view, if the clouds turned gloomy
and what is between you and me, it’s a
a necklace, passed on time, I judged
you were the spring, No giving is deterrent
for you, Nor is brotherhood reprehensible
For eternity meets me, that I will thank you,
If I only met you in comfort,
A covenant has taken me long and shaken my soul
Longing, So I came from the Levant as a Muslim