Commander of the Faithful, We Sakana – Poet al-Buhturi

Commander of the Faithful, we have dwelt
To your good days
You repaid the debt, then, after you had
I see two parties quarreling
you have cut off the oppressors in every land
And the darkness became unknown
And in a year you threw their tyrants
On the basis of the intuition of Awan
So what was left of Ibn Abi Dawud?
Only a body addresses the suffering
Expressed with the conjunction of jars even
Throw it in the hands and in the tongue
And there was no time to buy its food
crabs clasps and runs away
Sabur, son of Sahel, was puzzled
and his table, And from him are the wishes
if his companions spent the night
lengthen the pelvis in the creation of the Qur’an
They manage the cups while we are starved
So-and-so tells us about so-and-so
And the last event that we went to
We seek refuge in Aba al-Wazir from time
And when all ugliness was leaking out
And pray for you in the hearing and in the eye
smash them to someone other than the Almighty
and made them laugh at the non-Khawwan,