Abused or suffered from spit-up – Poet Al-Buhtari

forefoot abuse, or suffered,
to be unable to persecute her affliction
And when my love moved for a moment,
move in their color event
The first gray indicates the wrongs
to her, and grows out of her
If God forbids amusement for her sake,
Exaggerated in the measure of their weights
Otherwise, you will find me obedient to it,
but all her disobedience did not disobey her
When you come in a bouquet of passion,
and its secrets without being declared
Men overflowed from the honorable
T, And it represented the monuments of its notables
and did not heed the necessity of rights,
And her duty is behind her ears
I opened my hand to the second sympathy for
affect affection, betrayal
And my aunt knew that I
separate her, when deserted
And I would rest in peace
tetrapod vineyard, and their homelands
and take care of myself from her money,
And she never took away her brothers’ money
He remains a burden that builds the highest
And transcend the Almighty with her structures
He is almost relieved of his concern
create them before their universes
I am pleased with my boyfriend, Abu Ghalib,
to break the engagements, and insult her
prepare a sack for a knight,
And Zulfi at Kisra, the son of Sasanha
If you asked about him at the pottery,
She said her sincerest gratitude
They take longer than their own,
And the eye has length in its human being
Abandonment for what is still the noble
Useful for ascending
the veil of darkness came to us,
With a wicker, it will be blessed with its knees
It costs us to commit to conflict
The distance of Qom and its measurements
The Sunnah of Samira to describe a girl
smile about the injustice of her teeth
The saddlebags scatter the stars
in a burial muffler
If the snow is shining
she obeyed him before her children
The birds escorted him in their faces
Above the clouds and their wings
to a king with whom you were closed
The neck of praise is at its cost
blasphemy, if it is not
It is enough for you to kindle its fires
The bathroom was protected by two souls
from the envious and alone
and perpetuate in the people until it is
So did her helpers do it
The bars of glory protected you from being
the hardness of her chopsticks
And the same slander came back to you
to praise, in the length of its field
You took the gifts by repeating them,
and expressing its length with its two lengths
I see her doing, when she is in need,
Only give it when possible
and the best effect of vineyards,
behaving her after her benevolence
And what belongs to generosity?
and terrifies her, change its knights
If he returns from your yard,
out of luck, and their loss
And avoiding you was one of the sins,
And you mean the first of her forgiveness
and what a gang was punished, I secured
on their knees, after her faith
For the lasts of my deeds are
You see the mosques of their religions