وضعية ادماجية عن الطفولة بالانجليزية

موضوع عن الطفولة باللغة الانجليزية

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تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة بالانجليزي


Childhood is infinite peace, innocence and purity, love and serenity, tranquility and the instinct of loyalty, all of which are great meanings that are evident in the smallest being in humanity, which is: the child, the human being goes through the most noble values and he is in childhood, it is the stage in which a person’s personality is formed and his qualities are refined and refined. Love, honesty, warmth and comfort is what makes it special in all its details

Childhood is like the pillars of the constructed structure, the more the pillars are correct, the more solid and the stronger, the more the structure is coherent and withstands the challenges, or we transfer it as the seed of the plant whenever it is good the more it bears fruit and produces fresh fruits, so the better the education of a person in childhood the more he grows up strong and not afraid of difficulties, and has his personality The powerful and the conscious If a person delves into childhood and its details, he sees with a clear eye that all the meanings of peace advocated by the world and the largest international organizations are manifested in the look of two bright eyes, and in the hidden smile of the pink lips of an innocent child who looks at his mother while she is carrying food for him

The importance of childhood

Childhood is the most important stage in a person’s life at all, and for several reasons, as the person’s personality features become clear and appear at this stage, and his personality is formed as a result of what he sees and hears, and the importance of childhood becomes evident as it is the stage in which a person emerges For life and begins to get acquainted with it and the various matters that arouse his curiosity and questions, and the first source of knowledge at this stage is the parents, as they are the ones who are with him permanently and answer all his questions, but parents must take caution at this stage And they monitor the child permanently so as to make sure that he does not see or hear something bad or not appropriate for his age, and so that he does not get experiences from bad sources such as the television set, where they must watch to watch him so that he does not see things that are not suitable for his age, and so Childhood is the most important stage in a person’s life at all

The perfect way to spend your childhood

Parents must make sure that their children spend this important stage of their lives in childhood in an ideal way, so that a balance is struck between their access to play, fun and happy times, and at the same time they get the elementary education that is useful to them in life as the child is at this stage of his life He is closely watched for his parents and acquires different experiences and qualities from them. Therefore, parents should pay attention to their children greatly at this stage, as parents are the first teacher from whom the child learns and acquires from him the qualities and habits that he begins to receive as soon as he sees them, and he must also be careful Parents on the psychological state of their children as the child at this stage is very tender and anything he sees or hears will leave a strong impression and remain influencing his psychological state permanently, and parents should avoid quarrels or talking loudly in front of the children so that the child is not injured With a shock, it may over time cause a psychological.

قصة عن ذكريات الطفولة

هل تذكر طفولتك  تذكر الطفل الذي يجري في الشارع على الرصيف الحار حافي القدمين متعرق على وجهه توقف لحظة لمحاولة تذكير نفسك ، وانتا تلهو ولم تعد تحسب ، الوقت الذي تقضيه وانت تلهو ، وتلعب كم كان هذا الوقت ممتعاً ، ومميز وماذا عن رائحة طعامك المفضل التي قد ، تكون من أجمل لحظات حياتك وانتا تستمتع بمذاق الطعام اللذيذ ، واللعب واللهو في المدرسة مع الأصدقاء و

طفولتك واهم الاحداث التي اثرت في حياتك

كم كان هذا الوقت جميل كما لو أتمني أن تعود طفل صغير وتعتبر الطفولة هي الجانب الجميل من حياتنا ، فكلما عدت إلى الفترة الحلوة والمرة والشغب والبرائة في ذاكرتك ، ما زلت تفوتك السنين والشوق ، وتمتلئ بأوقات الطفولة السعيدة حيث يمر كل هذا أمام عينيك مثل الشريط بالذاكرة.

فعندما تتذكر الممر الواسع هو مكان اللعب المفضل لنا ، أما الكبار ، فيلعبون الكرة في الممرات الواسعة ، وعندما يتنافس الأطفال المهرة في الرماية سيقف فريقان معًا ، أحدهما في بداية المسار والآخر في نهاية المضمار حيث يكون بينهما أكثر من ثلاثين مترا لأن الرقة أشبه بالضرب بالسيف والجرح والنزيف فكل هذه كانت من أشكال اللعب ، وكان الوقت يمضى ممتعاً جدا والوقت الذي كنا نقضية في المدرسة تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة في المدرسة

تعبير عن ذكريات الطفولة في المدرسة


حقوق الطفل

It can be said that the concept of the rights of the child is meant: those laws and legislations that enact and ensure that every child in the world has access to the essentials of life, including education, food, care and attention, regardless of the child’s color, origin, nationality, sect or any other variable factor in the life of every human being And, since the child was falling short in defending these basic rights, there had to be someone responsible for defending them.

The first right of the child is the right to life, and it means that the child lives an ideal and healthy life away from the violation of his personality or trafficking, or being subjected to rape or enslavement, or being controlled by other people, and this right guarantees that the child develops a healthy and balanced development, and builds within him A normal and balanced personality, the innocence that a child carries in his heart should not be distorted by the filth of a bad life. The rights of the child in education is also one of the matters that the Convention on the Rights of the Child focused on. Science builds nations and elevates societies, and children are the most targeted group in this matter.[1]