تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي

تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي ، توجد لدى كل شخص رياضة تصنف على أنها من الرياضات المفضلة لديه ، حيث يقوم الكثير من الأشخاص بتفضيل رياضة معينة عن باقي أنواع الرياضة الأخرى المختلفة ، حيث يقوم الشخص بمتابعة وممارسة هذه الرياضة بشكل مميز عن باقي أنواع الرياضة الأخرى المختلفة ، حيث نجد أن هناك الكثير من الأشخاص الذين يفضلون رياضة كرة القدم ونجد أن أشخاص أخرين يفضلون السباحة وآخرون يفضلون السباحة وهكذا تختلف الأذواق من حيث أنواع الرياضة المفضلة لدى العديد من الأشخاص حول العالم ، وفي الفقرة التالية سنوضح لكم اكثر من خلال الشرح والتفصيل عن تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي.

تعبير عن الرياضة المفضلة بالانجليزي

The practice of sports activity is one of the healthy habits that help in building a healthy and sound body, and exercise must be periodically in order for this to contribute to revitalizing the functions of the human body’s organs and devices, and there are many sports that people practice in their lives, which have evolved over time from individual practices And collectively, there are sports tournaments of a local, regional and international character, and among the most prominent of these sports tournaments are: the World Cup, the African Cup of Nations and the European Nations Cup, and there are some countries where some sports are especially popular depending on the culture prevailing in these countries, and among the most prominent examples of this is the sport of Basketball in the USA.

The concept of the popularity of sports is linked in one way or another to the concept of sports preferred by individuals who live in those countries. When a child grows up, he sees the champions of these sports practicing popular sports, and the stars of these sports for children become superheroes, which leads them to practice them in their spare time. And trying to imitate some of the sports skills implemented by their favorite stars, so their love for these sports increases with the passage of days, and the favorite sport becomes their preoccupation that they think about and try to develop in themselves day after day.

There are many real-life examples in the world of sports that reflect the sports background of many famous sports stars around the world, as these stars were once children trying to practice their favorite sports in the small neighborhoods of their homeland, and graduated in the age groups in sports clubs until they reached the ranks of The stars, and this indicates the impact that these stars leave in the hearts of children, as talent ignites them so that children then seek to exploit it optimally and develop it to the maximum extent possible.

Parents must enhance their children’s sports talents, and help them chart the way for the future by enrolling them in sports clubs specialized in their favorite sports, which help in refining talents, and provide appropriate means and an environment that embraces these sports energies. These clubs also contribute to providing proper and specialized guidance from In order to preserve the integrity of the body from injuries that may end the sports career or impede the course of its progress,

Parents should also create a state of balance in their children, so that the practice of sports activity should not be at the expense of the academic career, and at the same time, the athletic talent of young people should not be neglected under the pretext of education; Because sport has evolved to become one of the most important means of creating the future.